Welcome To Michelle James Music!
At the age of four, I used to sit at my dad’s grand piano and bang away on it imagining beautiful sounds instead of the clunk of non-chords. I knew all through my life that if I didn’t learn to play I would regret it.
But life wasn’t favourable for learning to play an instrument. In fact, I only really started to relearn the piano scales and learn some chords now I am in my fifties

But, I have written songs all my life. They are everywhere. On bits of paper, in notebooks, on old tapes and recorders.
New ideas for songs come into my head all the time. The melodies come too, but with never having learned to skillfully play an instrument, it has always been awkward to put music to the songs. Now, I can at least put chords to my songs, even if I don’t play well. Fortunately, I married a man who does play piano which is really helpful!

I did learn to sing however, and that is my main instrument. My mum was a fantastic singer of light opera, folk and classical who won many awards. She trained me and I enjoyed playing main parts in school musicals and operas, and we enjoyed singing together sometimes, bringing joy to people in old people’s homes. I don’t consider myself to be at her level. Also, I am older now. I’m not considering Britain’s Got Talent or X-Factor or anything like that. And on many occasions I’ve fought frustration at having to self-motivate against all the odds (you’ll be able to read about those odds elsewhere on my website soon). However, I love to sing and perform and bring a message to people in song. Sometimes it’s a story, a song about a social issue, a happy message or a message of faith. If it makes people think, touches their heart or emotions, gives them something to relate to, or brings a sense of peace, healing or happiness, then I’ve done my job and that’s marvellous. ‘Keep on keeping on’ as my mum used to say.
This is my rendition of the classic and beautiful hymn, When I Survey, by Isaac Watts with photos my husband and I have taken of some of this ‘realm of nature’. I hope you enjoy it and are blessed as you listen and watch. So much grace, peace, goodness and strength to you
We lived in beautiful Vancouver, Canada for two years. During that time, I unexpectedly became the main carer for a close family member with a serious illness. It was tough, and the situation caused me to start waking up at night with panic attacks. One day, I was taking our dogs for their walk across fields of long grass. I was feeling very down, tearful and depressed, but in the pain I was trying to pray. As if from nowhere, two bald eagles flew towards me, dipped down low, and seemed to hang in the sky momentarily above my head, before soaring away. For that brief moment, it was as if the world stopped. I stood watching them until they became specks in the distance, with a sense of awe that I had just been visited by a special messenger. The depression lifted and I felt a new surge of life and strength. I was not forgotten or alone. My prayers had been heard!
But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
(Isaiah 40:31)
Sometimes, I’ve wasted so much time going my own way, getting involved in things that weren’t of Him and making life unnecessarily difficult and frustrating!
Been there?
Thankfully, He draws us back to Him, a place from which we can truly fly!