
Communicating Wholeness, Beauty, Freedom & Truth



Practice Thankfulness for a Healthier Life
Finding beautiful and enjoyable things helps to combat the stresses of life and helps our souls, our mind, will and emotions, to be healthy. An important building block in having a healthy soul is thankfulness. That's easy to say, but what about all the problems we...
Coming to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour, the Forgiver of sin and the Ultimate Freedom, was indeed the most liberating thing I ever did. Set free from the confusion and pain of a multiple-broken home and coercive sexual abuse, I also found purpose, truth, and...
Eek! I've got so much to say. Thankfully, at last, I have a forum for speaking whenever, instead of waiting on only those opportunities provided. So thank you to those special people who set up this website and blog for me with an uncanny dedication of time, energy...