Loads of Life

Creative Communicator, Thought Influencer, Life Coach
Latest Artwork

Welcome to Loads of Life!

The name, Loads of Life, came about because I just seem to have done enough to fill about three lives crammed into one! 

My life seems to have been characterised by sheer quantity. I’ve lived in six countries on three continents and had over forty homes.  I love to do a lot of different things too as you’ll see from my site. 

Having lived and worked in so many countries, cross-cultural adaptation and transition, people and languages are of endless fascination, and In
so many different things, from artmusic, growing plants, and writing books to my passion for natural, healthy living, a love for dogs, speaking Chinese, cross -cultural training and helping others!


That sounds amazing, doesn’t it? But I’m not trying to fool anyone.  Along with the good stuff and variety, I’ve also experienced plenty of the tough stuff and I share that side of life with people too because it is just a reality of life and I like to help others.  I’ve experienced numerous traumas and my experience with PTSD led me to write my book, Surviving Trauma, Crisis & Grief and set up the facebook page, SPEAC – Speaking for Parents/People Estranged, Alienated & Cut-off.


Sometimes I wish life was more simple.  I spent many years wishing I couldn’t do so many things, that I could focus on just one thing like ‘normal’ people.  Then I realised that I’m just a different ‘normal’, that there are others out there like me.  In the end I realised that everything I do really is one thing. It’s all a form of creative communication.  Art, singing, writing, speaking, training dogs, helping people, raising awareness, even talking to the plants I grow – it’s all communication.  I suppose I am a Creative Communicator. That brought it all together in my head.  I realised that it’s okay to just do loads and love it all, as long as it does your soul good and doesn’t drive you crazy.

That’s where my faith comes in.  At the foundation of my life and all I do is my belief in Jesus Christ that began when I was 20 years old.  My Christian faith has seen me through the hardest of times and given meaning, purpose and direction.  It is a constant I wouldn’t change for anything or anyone.


At the heart of it all, I want the loads of life I have experienced to be a help, inspiration and encouragement to others.  If I can pass on something that makes life better for someone, it brings them joy and makes me happy. 
I do things for myself too.  For me, creativity is essential and a form of therapy. I love to sell what I create too because that gives it value and helps me stay alive!
I hope there is something here that is useful, helpful, colourful and life-full for you, and I wish you Loads of happy Life.

Latest Blogs

I blog here on health, faith, trauma and PTSD recovery, and other areas of life.

Practice Thankfulness for a Healthier Life

Practice Thankfulness for a Healthier Life

Finding beautiful and enjoyable things helps to combat the stresses of life and helps our souls, our mind, will and emotions, to be healthy. An important building block in having a healthy soul is thankfulness. That's easy to say, but what about all the problems we...



Coming to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour, the Forgiver of sin and the Ultimate Freedom, was indeed the most liberating thing I ever did.  Set free from the confusion and pain of a multiple-broken home and coercive sexual abuse, I also found purpose, truth, and...



Eek!  I've got so much to say. Thankfully, at last, I have a forum for speaking whenever, instead of waiting on only those opportunities provided.  So thank you to those special people who set up this website and blog for me with an uncanny dedication of time, energy...

My top practical tips for healthy living


I’m passionate about many things but these are three key categories that sum up what this website is about.

Blog, Art, Music

Natural Health &

Fit & Free

Artwork Range

I produce a diverse range of artwork including pet portraits (pastel, acrylic, pencil), air dry clay animal sculptures, acrylic on canvas, driftwood, slate pebble jewellery, paintings on old Welsh slate roof tiles, wood carving, and cards (watercolour, collage).  I take commissions.

Latest Artwork

Sheep On Slate (New)

Hare On Driftwood (New)

Hare On Slate (New)


Hare Model

Bee Friends


Cat On Slate

Thank You

Home Sweet Home

Hi! If you would like to connect, I would love to hear from you!